Arabia Felix Sample Tour Links
Arabia Felix
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Ancient geography divided Arabia into three regions:
Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Petraea.
Arabia Felix (Happy Arabia) is the fertile region in southern Arabia (in present-day Yemen), a region that contrasted with Arabia Deserta in central and northern Arabia and with Arabia Petraea (Stony Arabia) in northwestern Arabia.
The Greeks and Romans chose the name - Arabia Felix - because of the area's pleasant climate and its abundance of agricultural products and spices.
Yemen is one of the oldest continuously inhabited regions in the world, a place untouched by modernity. The beautiful country of Yemen stretches from the shores of the Red Sea to beyond the shores of the Arabian Sea. It is a land extraordinarily rich in beauty and culture. Yemen, with its breath-taking mountains and its lush, fertile valleys, is one of the best kept secrets of the Middle East. A trip to Yemen is a dream destination in an atmosphere of unrivaled authenticity and discovery.

With spectacular landscapes unmatched by any other region in the world, Yemen is an extraordinary tourist destination. Explore this enchanting land and behold the splendor of its land and people. Discover the natural and cultural beauty of this ancient location... a destination of unique heritage beyond imagination!
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